Early last Monday morning I received a text from our son Mikos. It stated that Aaron wanted to stop by and visit with us. The sun was not quite out yet, but I knew that I needed to tidy up the house. In June I furloughed our housekeeper for the summer, so Mike and I have been doing all the cleaning ourselves. Monday is my major chore day. The wood floors are the biggest job, so I started with them. I told Mike, “I can’t make it to Mass today because I need to clean!” As I was dusting the furniture, I felt an urging from the Lord, telling me to go to Mass. I yelled out to Mike, “The Lord told me to go to Mass after all. Can you go and pick up some Mexican bread?” Mike looked puzzled, then responded, “Who’s going to mop the rest of the house?” “I’ll do it when I get out of Mass.” Mike ended up mopping the kitchen, entry way and family room. We’re a great team! Besides this gave me time to meet with the editor to edit this Blog. It never fails–when you put God first everything else falls into place.

Our family has known Aaron since he was in the seventh grade. Our home was within walking distance from both the high school and the junior high, so this is where the kids hung out. I was always home by the time our kids got out of school. We owned a tortilla factory that also produced tortilla chips. I can’t tell you how many plates of Nachos I served, this was the staple for these boys.

Aaron was that special kid whose charismatic personality was filled with compassion. Because he was the mediator for all the boys, he always took the right side and defended his friends with kind, well tempered words. I remember once I was driving the boys somewhere when someone said something unkind about another of their friends. Aaron immediately explained that people change and that the group should give the boy another chance. This is who he was and still is.
The Sleepovers
There were plenty of sleepovers, but I remember this one in particular. I went downstairs to check on the boys, who were sophomores in high school. I turned on the light and all Mikos’ friends were all there, but Mikos was missing. In a loud voice I asked , “Where is Mikos?” While the other boys pretended to be sleeping, Aaron got up and made some lame excuse for his friend. Needless to say, Mikos was grounded for a while. To this day I still do not know where Mikos was! Through the thick and thin of friendships, Mikos and Aaron have remained friends. Aaron served as a groomsman in Mikos’ wedding and Mikos and Jenny attended Aaron and Laura’s wedding.

Mikos and a group of his high school friends get together every year to visit Aaron and to attend one of his games. Aaron always welcomes their visits.
When Aaron was playing ball for the Cincinnati Reds, he and Laura came to our home for a visit. I remember telling Aaron, “You know God has a bigger plan for your life, way bigger than playing baseball.” I was surprised that those words came out of my mouth, but I knew that it was from God. I prayed that they wouldn’t think I was crazy and left it at that.
The Visit
It was so good to see Aaron again. When I reminded him about the time I spoke those prophetic words he said that he did indeed remember what I had said. Of course Mikos ruined the moment by referring to me as a Nostradamus. My family always has a way of bursting my bubble.
Aaron’s countenance changes when he speaks of his wife and four kids. He is one proud papa! He and Laura are doing a beautiful job in raising their children. He had something special to say about each of his kids.
The Humble Man of God
I asked Aaron if he prays before the games. He replied that he always does. Aaron has a big role in life as the manager of the New York Yankees. New Yorkers are not the kindest fans, but God placed him as the manager of this team because He knew that Aaron could fill the big shoes of all the other world famous-managers. Aaron will be remembered as a compassionate genius.
God-fearing Parents
Aaron was brought up by two God-fearing parents. While her husband was away playing professional baseball, Sue was the glue who kept the family together. This family is strong because they are grounded in God. Aaron and his two brothers are a product of a praying family.
Years ago I was invited to a party that Sue was hosting. Her special guest was Stormie Omartian. At that time Stormie had authored a book entitled The Power Of A Praying Wife, This book is a powerful tool for any marriage. I had totally forgotten that I met Stormie Ormartian. I still give out her books as gifts to friends. One thing that I remember purchasing from Stormie that evening were salt and pepper shakers with the word Love on them; these were empty containers because they were meant to season your food with love. My kids loved when I’d get them out and sprinkle love on their food.
The Game
Mikos got us tickets to see Aaron at work. It was not surprising to see how he handles himself in his work environment. Aaron is in control, so his players respect him. At times he would look out at the stands. I don’t know if he saw us, but I was waving my hand wildly and yelling, “Hi Aaron!” We were close enough for Aaron to see us. He smiled and waved back. I was sure it was meant for us, but so did all the hundreds of other people surrounding us.
Anyone who personally knows Aaron will write a similar story because this is who he is to everyone in his life.
My Prayer
Dear Lord, I continue to pray for all those whom You have placed on my heart for prayer. I lift up Carla, Kathy, Alie, Mario, and Anna. Lord, they all need the healing touch of Your hand. I pray that You would grant Your son Aaron favor in all his endeavors. Amen.
Go Yankees!!