Not an Ordinary Sunday

Our hotel/grocery store/ bakery Beautiful Croatian Family

Our day started with a short walk to Mass, So many families walking to the the service. It seems that the norm in Croatia is to have more than three children.

The people here are tall, very tall, woman are thin and beautiful and they dress in fashion that have not reached our racks. I purchased a pair of sandals for comfort and fashion, then at one of the services I noticed an elderly nun with the same pair.

Our hotel/grocery store/bakery is located in a small community so we  fraternize with the locals. Their daily bread is baked early in the morning and I’ve become a consumer of these great taste, textures and fillings. The only form of excerise has been to the restaurant to the car to the services.

Our two hour drive to Osijek is beautiful during the day but when evening falls it’s a little scary, they drive 100 miles per hour and that is not an  exaggeration. So even if you are dead tired you stay awake to keep the driver alert.

There were over 1,200 people at the service in Osijek and just like before they all received prayer. Prayer is a personal matter and we handle it with kit gloves, Last night was no different.  Farther Karol stood out in the crowd, so filled with the spirit.image

Jane giving Fr. Karol See’s Candy and Danijel

It was midnight by the time the band had packed all the equipment, most of us were done praying with the exception of Joanne, her line is always the longest.  I saw a chair flying followed by a body thrown 15 feet. It was a demon  possessed woman. Joanne continues to pray for her. I heard three different languages so there were at least three demons. Not gonna, lie it was intense and everyone  that knows me know that this kind of stuff make me very uncomfortable. I will not go into detail but this battle continued for 30 minutes. Joanne did not back down and the team was there to back her up in the spirit. Fr. Karol must be an exorcist because he was equipped with holy water, sprinkled the young lady but the demons retorted, screaming NO!  NO! Then with his gentle hand he put oil on her forehead and knelt beside her and prayed over her, She was finally calm and  coherent. We think we are all trained to handle this but you come face to face you’d better be prepared in prayer and fasting and let the experts handle it.

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Dugo Selo

The  gymnasium at Dugo Selo High School was packed out for the service last night, we were all exhausted for much  virtue was poured out.image

Croatia is a country of over 87%  Catholic and groups like Kristafori are bringing their faith back in alignment with God.

The message from both Joanne and Linda was on unshakable faith , Hebrews 11:1 and on Acts 16:31, Is. 53:5, and 1 Peter 5:8-9.

Each of  us were used by God and with the assistance of Kristafori staff everyone received prayer. The musician’s anointing set the stage for the glory of God was all over them. image

Our lines were long and yet the faithful people waited  patiently for prayer. Many just wanted prayer for direction for their ministry or to know how the Lord was going to use them. We prayed for the broken hearted, the sick and those wanting to be delivered of fear.image

This is a big responsibility for the team to pray and humbly be an instrument of God.

At each session we are appointed an  interpreter and  catcher.

Pray for us today, we graduate to a  stadium.




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Meet the Team

They call themselves Kristofori, they are young and are making a mark in their country for Christ. As their guest we have been treated with a different level of hospitality, an indescribable love.image
The musicians have recorded several CD’s and their voices command reverance to bring  down the  presence of  God. They are holy and operate in unity, they know their place in God and sing the entire time we are praying for the people. These prayer session can last more than two hours but the songs are as fresh as first one; praise and worship at its finest.

Danijel Katanovic is in charge of this fast growing movement that originally started with Josip Loncar who has moved to a bigger calling of God.

We followed the same  protocol as the previous nights with Joanne’s teaching on understanding your purpose and calling.

We sang and then prayed for everyone in the crowd, every single person came up for prayer. Magdalena, my interpreter and Darko were a great team. I counseled and prayed for everyone that the Lord sent my way.image

It was midnight by the time we were urged to leave. We settled for a familiar dinner at McDonald’s but here the burgers Are tastier. The reason being is that this country is free of genetic altering. The watermelon that I had for breakfast had good old fashion seeds, the grapes are sweet and also have seeds. Oh what a  laborious task to remove the seeds but the flavor is much richer and  healthier for you. Most of the people we met have their own vegetable garden and our hotel serves only fresh picked goods.

The Crotians love the letters “K,” “J”and “H” and are over zealous with accents marks. The only names that I recall are short familiar ones like, Anna or Mimka or Milka other than that their names are way too long but have a beautiful sound. They are not part of the European Union yet, they have the kuna which yields 6 kuna to every dollar.


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