Not everyone understands our missionary journeys or our calling to serve in Israel. This trip was challenging; when we first started the planning, the airfare was only $740 round trip. This seemed feasible, but by the time everyone was on board, the price had risen up to $1,250. I cleared out my savings and was still a little short of funds. I prayed at Adoration (prayer before the Blessed Sacrament) and received a simple message from God: “Trust me.” Mike is always watching my bank account and he is my angel when it comes to all of my needs.
Our entire team struggled with finances this time around. We questioned whether this was really God’s will for us and continued to seek guidance. God always answers prayers and we were in agreement to press on with the journey.
The Holy Land’s inflation was evident: the food and taxi fares were exorbitant, much higher than the last time we were there. We were there for two reasons: to carry the Cross in drama down the Via Dolorosa, and to intercede for others.
My daughter Sonja made a lifetime friend while attending college. Aaron (this is how she spells her name) is part of our family, spending many holidays with us; she was always in charge of making the ham on special occasions. Aaron moved back to her hometown in Montana and in January she was blessed with a baby boy.
Aaron and Zak’s beautiful baby boy Soren was born on New Year’s Day. Soren came into the world with a condition that would need a lot of medical attention; a hole in his heart. This condition was preventing him from gaining the normal amount of weight. Soren was scheduled for surgery in May to correct the problem. When Sonja informed me about Soren I started pray. Soren was added to my daily prayers at Adoration and I promised Aaron that this petition would go before God in the Holy Land.
At the Wailing Wall when I prayed for this little angel, I asked God to shrink the hole in his heart. Yesterday I received this text message from Aaron:
I called Aaron and we cried tears of joy. This miracle is truly a gift from God and it is inclusive of every prayer that went forth for Soren. We give glory to God for His divine intervention on Soren.
In many ways I am Aaron’s second mother, she has always had mine and Mike’s heart. My heart is filled with joy to celebrate this victory with her and Zak. To God be the glory!
“I will bow down toward Your holy temple and give thanks to Your name for Your lovingkindness and Your truth; for You have magnified Your word according to all Your name.” Psalms 138:2