They were eight coming in from the New Orleans area. A direct flight from Louis Armstrong Airport to LAX, with a pit stop at In-N-Out hamburgers, brought them to our doorstep at 2:00 A.M. My sister Jo was staying with us and her two sons and their families were staying a stone’s throw away from Disneyland.
Day One: They wanted to go to Hollywood to take in the sights, but I informed them that it was Gay Pride Week, and the traffic would be a great deterrent. Then they wanted to go visit where my mother once lived, but their cousin Sonja told them that that would be too dangerous. Sonja used kind, loving words, “I would never take my children there for fear of their lives.” Our son Mikos came in and piled more fear about the dangers in the City of Angels. Our son-in-law Russ heard that they wanted to attend a game at Dodger Stadium, and warned them that they could be stabbed. So on the first day, they stayed within the compound of the Marriott Hotel and hung out by the pool. My sister Jo kept mentioning to me that all we were doing was discouraging all their plans. Later, I will share a story with what they put me through when I visit them.

Day Two: They wanted to go to the beach but the riptides and waves were too dangerous for swimming in the ocean. The Dodgers were in town playing the Atlanta Braves, so they went to the game. The last time that Frank was at a Dodger game Fernando Valenzuela was pitching. These brave Southerners stayed the entire game. We usually leave after the third inning or after eating a Dodger Dog.

Day Three: Frank and Nick, my nephews, are getting married in Las Vegas this June 15, so we planned a family barbecue. It was a perfect day for a family gathering, and my brother Mike and two of his sons and their families joined us for the gathering; we were a total of 27. Mike made his famous Cherry Cola Ribs and hamburgers. We shared many stories and made wonderful memories, while all of the kids swam. Every last one of the beach towels was put to use, then we discovered that our clothes dryer was on the brink.
Day Four: Universal Studios, I cannot express how I loathe the crowds, and waiting in long lines. I am not a Disney fan either, so Jo and I stayed behind.
My sister is the same way when I visit her, as she never wants to do anything touristy and refuses to take me to the French Quarter.
We are like cats when visiting each other, taking many naps in between our ventures. All of us three sisters, Norma included, share another thing in common; we care for our grandchildren and many times our schedules revolve around their timetable. In reality, that is what family is about, right?
On Thursday, round two with more Cajun’s arriving.
“And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.” ~1 John 4:21